Brand management & licensing

Lazy Town

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LazyTown is a children's entertainment and lifestyle brand with internationally acclaimed TV show, Live Theatre shows, Radio Station, Music, Publishing, DVD, Apparel and more than 6000 SKUs of merchandise. It was created by Magnús Scheving, a gymnastics champion and CEO of LazyTown Entertainment This puts LazyTown in the same league as the major children's brands of the world. In addition, LazyTown has a unique competitive edge in promoting a healthy lifestyle for kids. From day one, all of LazyTown's entertainment products were carefully designed as a vehicle to carry the core health message that the brand is all about. The basic idea behind LazyTown was to create a children's brand that has a direct and measurable impact on the health of its target audience. A brand that can justifiably make this claim can offer unique value to its partners. This health-related value is deeply ingrained in the brand's DNA and is LazyTown's most valuable asset, and the single biggest contributor to LazyTown’s rapidly growing revenue.

국내에서 ‘강철 수염과 게으른 동네’ 로 방영된 바 있는 ‘레이지 타운’은 전직 아이슬랜드의 체조선수 Magnus Scheving이 아동들의 건강한 생활습관을 위한 롤모델을 제시하기 위해 회사를 설립, 올바른 식습관과 운동의 중요성을 알리는 교육적 메시지에 중점을 두고 만든 아동용 엔터테인먼트 및 라이프스타일 브랜드다. 1995년 아이슬랜드에서 출판물로 시작하여 현재까지 TV시리즈, 음반, 라이브 쇼, DVD, 비타민제, 가방, 의류, 게임 등등 6,000여 종류의 다양한 영역에서 라이센스 머천다이징 사업을 전개시켜왔고 레이지 타운의 ‘건강’이라는 브랜드 모토는 최근 웰빙 열풍에 편승하여 사업 성공요인으로 더욱더 기여를 하고 있다.

INFINISS represents and manages qualified licensing program in Korea since its establishment in 1991.